Member Benefits
A membership gives you access to the facility; which includes everything form our complete cardio and weight equipment to our indoor gymnasium and indoor pool.
With your membership, you have access to land and water group fitness classes.
Your membership also gets you discounted rates on our programs
Members have access to free child care in our child watch program.
Nationwide Reciprocity
Definition of Membership
Family - any two adults and unmarried dependents under the age of 25 living in the same household
Couple - any two adults over the age of 18 living in the same household
Single Parent - single parent and unmarried dependents under the age of 25 living in the same household
Senior Couple - two senior adults (both must be 62+ living in the same household)
Senior Single - any person 62 or older
Adult - any person between the ages of 18-61
Youth/Student - any youth between preschool age and 17. Can be applicable for Students that are 18 in their senior year in High School.
Joiner Fee
The joiner fee is used to fund the YMCA's maintenance reserve. It is a onetime fee added to your first payment for new YMCA memberships. If a membership is voluntarily cancelled or terminated for having a delinquent account, after 30 days of being a nonmembers a joining fee will be required upon renewal.
Guest Policy
Members are welcome to bring guests to the YMCA, however, the YMCA is a membership organization, and our first obligation is to our members. Daily guest passes are available at $5/day for an individual and $10 for a family of five. Members must accompany their guest during their visit.
Payment Options
EFT Bank Draft - a monthly payment option that uses a bank draft. The fees are paid in a monthly installment via electronic transfer from your checking, savings, or credit/debit card on the 15th of each month
Annual - a full year membership paid up front with cash, check, or credit/debit card. Renewal of your membership must be made within 30 days of the close of your membership
Non-sufficient funds - in the event that a draft payment is returned unpaid; there will be up to $30 charge.
Daily Fees
Daily fees for non-members are $7/day for children (17 and under), and $10 for adults (18 and over). There are also family passes for $20/family of five. All member policies and age restrictions apply to individuals accessing the YMCA facility via a daily fee.