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CPR & AED Training

CPR, especially if performed in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, can double or triple a person's chance of survival. Learn proper life-saving techniques and how to respond in an emergency situation.
Next class is being offered TBD
Cost: $25 per person
Contact the YMCA to register
Class size is limited to 10 people.
Contact Eric Cole at the YMCA
for more information.
Lifeguard Certification

Train to Save Lifeguard Training Class. This is a blended learning course. The e-learning portion is due the first date of the instructor led portion of the course. You will be educated with the skills and knowledge of a certified lifeguard.
Next class is being offered TBD
Cost: $200 per SCYMCA Member
$250 per Program Participant
FREE for those seeking employment at SCYMCA
Please direct any questions about the Y Lifeguard course at Switzerland County YMCA to
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